We make every effort to ensure that the pricing and product information herein is accurate, but please consult us for the most up to date information.
E. & O. E. (Errors and omissions excepted)
Product Dimensions
Product dimensions may vary from shipment to shipment. Please check with us for updates.
Terms And Conditions
Images & Branding
Product images displayed do not show the products at actual size and may differ from the actual product, the logos and imprints featured are for illustrative purposes only to illustrate branding options. Branding areas vary for the various branding processes, a template which shows the exact branding area will be supplied to you during the order process. Prices vary depending on order quantity, branding process, branding locations and number of colours branded, a quote matching your exact requirements will be provided when we receive your enquiry. The logos used here are the property of their owners and represent no endorsement of this website, catalogue or its contents.
Product colours illustrated herein are matched as closely as the print process will allow and should be considered as approximate. Actual product colours can vary within production batches and from shipment to shipment due to variations at the stage of manufacturing and as this is beyond our control we give no guarantees whatsoever in terms of exact product colours and our goods are supplied on this basis and we do not accept returns because of product colour variations. If product colour is important to you, we suggest that you ask to see samples of items currently in stock in order to satisfy yourself that this meets your requirements. Due to differences in monitors and screens (smartphone, tablet, pc etc.,) please be aware that colours of product may not be displayed properly.
Product Specification
Product specification requirements in Promotional Products vary considerably from client to client, for some the lowest cost is their priority for others product quality is most important. We aim to find a balance between price and reliability thus offering good value. If product specification and usability is important that you, we strongly recommend that you ask to see samples of the products prior to placing an order, as we cannot accept returns of products after they have been branded.